”We are”

For the beginning I want to say that this wordpress page has two writers me (Naomikko) and my cousin (Dana). We are not just cousins, we are very good friends and together we decided to make a blog, this blog 🙂


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”John 16:33

   My name is Naomi, I am a 18 years old girl from Europe, Romania. About me , well I’ll give you some hints : Old stuff, vintage lover, hopeless romantic, classy, to be continued..

   About this wordpress blog I don’t have too much to say, because it speaks from himself.

                                                                                                                                                        Keep believing and have faith!


99 de comentarii la „”We are”

  1. Love the blog – I live in the Middle East and the quote ‘only say something if it is more beautiful than silence’ is wonderful. And I love the multi-cultural feel to the blog – that is extremely unusual.

  2. Please don’t forget to edit your, „About” …. your readers I am sure would love to know a little bit more about you. The humour of some of your posts just has me cracking up!

  3. Pingback: Wow, you won’t believe it??? | Keli has a Blog

  4. Iţi mulţumesc pentru că ai avut răbdarea să citeşti şi să şi comentezi poezioarele mele pentru copii. Iţi mulţumesc pentru timpul ce mi l-ai dăruit. Ţi-am simţit bucuria asemeni celei pe care numai cel ce mai poartă în suflet copilul ce a fost cândva şi în haina căruia mai evadează câteodată .

  5. @”My name is Naomi, I am a 16 years old girl from Europe, Romania…” – one question, please: WHY do your write in English if you are Romanian, is English your mother-tongue?

    • Aha, got it, merci pentru explicatia-precizare… 🙂 Te zarisem la prietena „childagain”, d-aia mi-am permis sa-ti pun aceasta întrebare… Btw, English is my 2nd language and French my 3rd one… 🙂 Coreea de sud m-a „ambalat” si impresionat mai putin decât Japonia si Taiwan, unde-am fost de 4 ori… SPER si-ti doresc s-ajungi pe-acolo asap…
      – – –
      Sanatate, bucurii si satisfactii, now and always… 🙂
      Have a serene day, young lady! 🙂

  6. Thank you for visiting The Baby And The Bathwater. I sincerely appreciate it.

    I applaud your Love for humanity.

    We are a global family, community, tribe, clan; whatever descriptor you pick, we are all fundamentally the same, bound together by Life. It’s time to recognise that this is an asset, embrace it and use it for the benefit of all.

  7. Thanks for following my blog! Nice to meet someone from Romania 🙂 I haven’t got very many countries represented for my followers. I hope you get to do all the wonderful things you mentioned and much more!

  8. Dana and Naomi; excellent blog which I have now followed as well. Naomi, I’ve been to South Korea many times, and I’m sure you will love it there! If you get a chance to visit, just go for it! 🙂

    • I’m sorry for responding so late, my sincere apologise. 🙂 Thank you, Mike for following us, for sharing your thoughts about this blog and of course , South Korea ,I’ll make sure that someday I’ll visit it or at least I’ll try and who knows, If this will happen we’ll have the chance to share our opinions. 🙂 Have a good day!

  9. the good thing about WordPress and bloggers here is that you always feel like you have much in common with other bloggers, I felt the same to be honest. thank you so much for following my blog, you seem to have many interesting posts here too. this is the first time for me to follow someone from Romania, actually two. I’m so looking forward to start reading your blog and get to know more about the culture there. Have a wonderful weekend both of you Naomi and Dana 🙂

    • Ahmed, I want to say that your beautiful and kind words cheer us up and give us confidence and strength
      . It’s so nice to see how people share thoughts, feelings and stories , it’s like having a cup of tea in a cold morning day of winter.The feeling that you have when you see that your thoughts mean something to someone, it’s amazing, thank you again. Have a great weekend too.

  10. Just came over to say many, many thanks for following my humble wee blog which I hope further inspires you. Am interested to know why the fascination with South Korea? All the best for a a great life…MM 🍀

    • Hello,MM! It’s a great pleasure to meet people like you,I mean humble?..your blog is really inspiring , keep doing what you do, because it’s a great work! About my fascination with South Korea…well I can’t really explain, maybe it’s because they have something different, I’m surprised by their way of living, I mean they’re so hard working , but at the same time , for them is still not enough, I discovered this when I meet a korean student and he knew 3 different languages , besides his native one, but still wanted to learn more, that’s only an example.Another thing may be their manners with older people and even between young people…of course I would lie if I don’t mention that I want to taste their dishes and meet some of the korean actors that I like..I hope this respond to your question. 🙂 Have a beautiful & blessed day, my friend!

      • Thank you for your kind words Naomi and for responding to my query. I love to learn of different cultures etc. and was simply interested in why you had a particular interest in South Korea. Have a great week, MM 🍀

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